Creating a Garden for Gifting
Since it is the time for gifting, I had a great idea!!
It’s a common habit for many people to want to introduce others to their favorite pastimes or hobbies. This is true even of garden enthusiasts who may want to get others off on the right foot.
But while some hobbies seem to lend themselves better to gifting – puzzles, collections, or crafts – others, like gardening may be a little trickier to do. After all, you may not know someone’s skill level, or the amount of space that they have to devote to a garden.
One of the best ways of spreading your love of gardening, therefore, is to create a small ready to grow garden as a gift. A container garden that can be grown indoors or transplanted outside in the spring makes a wonderful gift from a gardening enthusiast, and depending on your climate, you can customize the bulbs to make the perfect fit.
Choose Your Container
The idea is that you aren’t just giving someone a living plant; you’re giving them all the tools necessary to create their own small container garden that can later be transplanted if desired. So, you’ll be building this gift from the ground up.
Begin by selecting a suitable container for the bulbs you want to gift. Make sure it can drain, and that it’s deep enough to accommodate the roots. Long, wide containers tend to work best, as it gives you a chance to place multiple bulbs.
Choose Your Bulbs
This is the fun part. You’ll be planting the bulbs in the container for the receiver, then giving them instructions on how to help them flourish. There are many bulbs that due really well in containers and that can be transplanted in the spring. Paperwhites, narcissus, daffodils, and some forms of tulips all make excellent starter container gardens.
Try selecting a variety of bulbs and arranging them in a pattern or by color to make a more impressive show when they bloom. The idea is to give the recipient a taste of your favorite hobby, so the more impressive the display, the better in the end.
Plant Your Garden
Using the container and a suitable soil, plant your bulbs in the desired arrangement. Make sure to wrap the container well in burlap against the cold, and to include instructions for the care and for transplanting the bulbs if desired. Any gardening enthusiast will enjoy not only giving this gift but putting it together as well.
Spread your love of gardening to others with a gifted container garden and help someone else get started on the path to new growth.