Hand Tinting Black and White Photographs
By Michel Charlebois Rehmat Black and white photos have a lot of charm. Maybe this is because so many older photos were taken in this medium, »
By Michel Charlebois Rehmat Black and white photos have a lot of charm. Maybe this is because so many older photos were taken in this medium, »
Camera Technology has come along way, but let's appreciate here we've come from. »
While portraiture and posed photos certainly have their place, there’s something about a candid shot that can really convey a lot of emotion, interest, and depth that portraits may lack..... »
Time to look forward to our winter Photo by Mourad Saadi [https://unsplash.com/@mougrapher?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=api-credit] »
Paying homage today to one of the greats »