Quick tips to improve your Landscape Photography!
Quick Tips for Improving Your Landscape Photography
It seems like no matter where you go, there’s always a beautiful landscape just begging to be captured. Unfortunately for many people, what appears in person as a vibrant, beautiful setting, sometimes appears a little flat in photos. These quick tips are designed to help you capture more of your surroundings so you can more accurately present their beauty.
Lower Your Aperture Number
The best way to add a lot of pop to your landscapes is to increase your depth of field, or the amount of the photo that is in focus. You do this by lowering your aperture number and lengthening your shutter speed.
Get Steady
One of the problems with lengthening your shutter speed is the increase in time it takes to get the image. This means that things like shaking or movement become more of a problem. Steady your camera on a tripod, or simply prop you elbows on something nearby to get more stability.
Find a Focal Point
It’s not enough to simply find a great scene; you also need to find a focal point for your image. This may mean moving around a bit until you find something that you can add to the image to give it interest, such as a house, a tree, a particularly amazing color in a sunset, or a person in the field. Remember to place your focus just off center for a better perspective.
Look to the Foreground
If you can include some foreground in your image, it will invite the viewer in. For example, if you’re taking a photo of a sunset over the ocean, step back a bit and get some of the beach in the scene as well.
Add Some Movement
While most people think of landscapes as calm and serene, there can be a lot of power to capturing things like wind whipping the trees or the ocean waves crashing. To capture movement, you’ll need a longer shutter speed and lower aperture, just like you will when increasing depth of field.
Change Your Perspective
Don’t take the same shots as everyone else. Instead, try walking around, climbing up on a rock, crouching down low and get a shot from a new angle that will give your photos some new life.
Get Outdoors
Taking landscape shots is a great way to improve your photography. Try getting out there and working on adding interest to your everyday scenes to get more out of each shot.